L’ Audace, a Suardiaz Group’s ship, undertook the first pilot test in the Canary Islands’ waters supplying electric energy to the motor from liquefied natural gas (LNG), one of the cleanest and most sustainable fuels.
The action took place in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which finds itself within the Core LNGas Hive project, an initiative co-financed by the European Commission to develop LNG in the maritime area to achieve the decarbonisation of the sector. The project has 42 members, of which Suardiaz is included, to develop and improve the adequate logistic supply of LNG to the maritime sector.
The project led by Puertos del Estado and coordinated by Enagás needs more than 33 million euros to develop infrastructures and standards to bring LNG in a real way to maritime transport. The European authority will contribute 16.6 million of the total budget. Moreover, the pilot test with Suardiaz was one of the eleven tests that will take place.
LNG produces less sulphur oxides (SOx), particles (PM), nitrous oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This will help comply with regulations in the maritime area and reduce the strong dependency on conventional fuels.